Repartition to the Harijans

  • Anshika Gautam
  • June 28, 2020

Content :

This paper focuses on the journey of development of the people belonging to the Harijans/Dalits community and discusses their position in the society before independence as well as after independence. It also analyses the laws and provisions provided under the Constitution of India which are making their life better and protecting them from evils of the society from any kind of discrimination. This paper also includes accounts from books and cases which depicts various situations that the Dalits were made to suffer and are still suffering. This paper also focuses on the reasons why reservation is provided to the people belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for educational and employment purposes. Education and employment are the key essentials for anyone to uplift themselves and hence, in order to bring up the weaker section and ensure that the society accepts them as one of their own and not treat them as they have treated them for hundreds of years. The author concludes that even after the efforts of the government, discrimination still exists. Even after getting educated and holding good posts in office, the respect is given only on the faces and not behind their backs. The purpose of these laws was to provide respect to the Dalits in the eyes of society which is still lacking. It has been 73 years since India has got independence, but discrimination still exists in the hearts and minds of the society.