Increasing Spending in ISRO

  • Arsha Sharma
  • June 28, 2020

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The story of ISRO ranging from the quick transformation from launching sounding rockets to missions like Mars is the culmination of the strong foundation and methodological learning from past failures. ISRO is working in varied and complex technical fields such as earth observation, communication, navigation, disaster management, climate and environment monitoring. In spite of more than 15 units and multiple ground stations across the world the integrated approach of a satellite is made possible by ISRO by keeping the high spirit and sticking to a professional way of working. System of ISRO is laid on such a strong foundation that even small hiccups could not shake it and it overcomes at a must faster pace. Further the spread of the units across India and people employed from across the country having different faiths amply proof that with right atmosphere and environment the organization can touch greater heights. The model which evolved over the year is worth emulating as students from a humble background and normal universities also excelled in the same environment. The model of growth is discussed so as others can benefit from the same and can provide tangible contributions in the country\'s progress . The evolution of ISRO being shaped by visions of Dr Vikram Sarabhai with the motto of serving society with his famous quote,” We must be second to none in the applications of advanced technologies to the real problems of man and society”. Dr Sarabhai envisioned that the resources in space have the potential to address the real problems of man and society . The focus of ISRO is to have usage of outer space and harnessing space technology for peaceful use. It was on this background that the foundation of ISRO is laid and reinstates the belief that any work started with noble deeds is bound to taste success. The leaders of ISRO always believe in the potential of their employees and make things happen with the available resources. They not only provided the direction to the organization but equally provide excitement to the employees by striving them to do better. The architect of the ISRO is built by the leaders who are great visionary and within a span of 40 years a mere idea led to the present-day veritable giant . The enormous work of creating infrastructure, training and recruiting manpower, creating an environment, planning, execution and tie-up with advanced countries is made possible in a short duration. This approach also calls for calculated risks and support of government machinery with a strong commitment to the cause and dedication to achieve the same. The other factors are to get continual funding and setting achievable goals with intention and plan to achieve it. The other R&D institutes which are established prior to ISRO are either closed or way behind their peers while proving white elephant to the economy. In such a scenario it is essential to explore the ingredients with which ISRO philosophy and its standing among peers have recognized the world over. The fact is that despite following all the procedures and without deviating from the same, the output is exceeded far from expectations . The main objectives of ISRO are [1] • Design and development of launch vehicles and related technologies for providing access to space. • Design and development of satellites and related technologies for observation, communication, navigation, meteorology and space science. Indian National Satellite (INSAT) program for meeting telecommunication, television broadcasting and developmental applications. Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) programme for management of natural resources and monitoring of environment using space-based imagery. Space-based Applications for Societal development. • Research and Development in space science and planetary exploration . The story of ISRO is also having its own share of failures which paved the way of learning and overcoming the same in time bound manner. The initial concept of lying foundation of an organization is a hurricane job and even more difficult if the technology is sufficiently advanced and not a single expertise available to take it forward. The integral part of ISRO success is attributed to the greater emphasis to lessons learned in due course of time. These lessons are an integral part of each brainstorming meeting. The initial failures in satellite building where issues related with thermal, power apart from launch vehicles are threadbare discussed, deliberated and further implemented in the next project. The strong foundation on reliability aspects further strengthens the zero-defect mechanism adopted in this direction. ISRO model is worth emulating and inspire many industries across the globe due to its unique ISRO culture. This article will analyze the overall model of ISRO, success scenario and analyze the factors responsible for the same along with the methodologies to replicate in other sectors.