Need for a Special Law on Honour Killing

  • Sakshi Sharma
  • July 14, 2020

Content :

Indian Culture is a multicultural and pluralistic culture where a lot of feelings and certainty direct the human presence of the inhabitants. In a male-driven culture, females are considered as transporter of regard to the family. This watched is so all around settled in that any undertaking by females to announce their benefits is seen as an ambush on the social gauges of the system and is solidly countered. Likewise, these counter activities taken by the family for regard are known as Honor Killing. Despite the way that there are no specific laws on such killings, certain different courses of action in rules are used to repel the offenders. Along these lines, such bad behaviors go unreported or are made look like implosion or normal passing by the family members being referred to. This paper investigates the segments at risk for the inescapability of Honor killings in India, how they regard butchering manhandles human rights just as other all-inclusive instruments, and about the methods taken by the Indian Government to control the training. The purpose of the paper is to dismember whether or not there is a need to approve unequivocal law or not concerning respect murdering.