Nilakantha Pati v/s. State of Orissa

  • Ganav S. Reddy, Christ University Bangalore
  • January 7, 2021

Content :

This is a case analysis of the appeal that was filed against a judgement of the Second Addl. Sessions Judge. The case is known as Nilakantha Pati vs. State of Orissa (1995 Cri LJ 2472). This case revolves around a broken family in which the husband allegedly tortured his wife to the point where she had no option but to commit the act of suicide. It was alleged that the tortures were on the fact that the family of the wife had not given enough dowry. The following will explain the different allegations and arguments presented by both the counsels in view of achieving justice for their respective clients. Broadly speaking this case is about suicide, problems relating to Dowry Prohibition Act and some areas where the investigating officers are in need of training. It also brings out the importance of the need for the amendments and changing of certain aspects of the Acts pertaining to abetment of suicide and Dowry Prohibition Act. It exposes some areas of the counsel of the state and his ineptitude of using the law the correct way. This particular case has become a precedent and has actually influenced many cases in the future which include cases like Vajresh Venkatray Anvekar v. State of Karnataka, The State of Tripura v. Apu Pal and State of Goa v. Govind.