Nature of Hindu Marriage and Daughter\'s Coparcenary Rights (Paper)

  • Archana Pandey, Banasthali Vidyapith
  • February 15, 2021

Content :

India is a nation of diversified culture and tradition. There are various religions like Hinduism, Muslim, Christian, Sikh and Parsi etc. For the sake of maintaining law and order, India has its own statue which will have a jurisdiction over each and every citizen of India. There are various personal laws of a particular religion like for Muslims has its Mohammedan law, for Hindu it is Hindu law etc. Marriage can be seen as unification of two families. It has a different meaning and rules and regulations in different cultures and religions. In a Hindu Law, marriage is considered as a sacrament. After the commencement of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 there are changes occurred in the society. This write up will look after the nature of Hindu marriage and the effect of Hindu Marriage Act and other amendments in the act over the meaning of marriage and the society.