Legal Aid Index (Paper)

  • Dr. Kalpeshkumar L Gupta
  • October 30, 2017

Abstract :

Access to Justice and Legal Aid are essential for the efficient and effective functioning of the judicial system. Article 39A of the Constitution of India also guarantees for equal justice and free legal aid. Government of India came up with exclusive legislation namely National Legal Services Authority Act, 1987 to fulfill the above objectives. National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) has been carrying out various activities at central level and at the state level through State Legal Services Authorities (SLSAs). SLSAs carry out activities through District Legal Service Authorities and Taluka Legal Services Authorities with the support of NALSA and the State Government. We can see that various legal services authorities initiated several programmes to meet the objectives of the law in force. On the contrary, some states and districts are not putting much effort for legal and awareness activities in their respective regions.

Now the time has come to introduce Legal Aid Index which will rank the state for their activities, different programmes in the area of legal aid and awareness. This ranking will add element of competitiveness among states in execution of legal aid and awareness activities.